Our Work


Our national and community-based projects are focused on organ donation awareness and education about the choices we have.



What is Organ Donation?

Organ donation is the gift of giving an organ to help someone who needs a transplant because their lives are severely affected by a failed organ.

Case Studies

Read stories of people who are donor families, recipients or living donors and the difference the gift of life can make.

Our Campaigns

With the support of our campaigns, we can help educate our communities nationally about organ donation.

Faith Perpective

We are working with faith leaders and representatives from different communities to educate about the faith perspective of organ donation.

How you can support JHOD?

We are a registered charity (Charity No: 1200476).

Our work is only possible thanks to the contribution and support of NHSBT, other organisations, and individuals. We are fortunate to have a lot of excellent volunteers on board who give their time willingly and regularly.

Your donations will mean that we can continue to help the campaign, fund projects and activities that help make a positive change in our communities regarding organ donation.